Memphis Chapter MOAA
Memphis Chapter MOAA
Memphis Chapter MOAA
The following are programs the chapter supports. The chapter has made specific donations to these as well as a number of our chapter members have made personal donations. We appreciate your supporting these programs.
Memphis Chapter MOAA
We have 6 Beneficiaries:
1. ROTC Scholarship
The MOAA Memphis Chapter awards a scholarship to a selected JROTC cadet each year who is enrolled in a ROTC program. The cadet can re-qualify each year for 3 succeeding years.
The Chapter has a scholarship fund, separate from other chapter funds, which is used for the payment to the applicable university. We solicit support to this program.
You can make an online donation at the bottom of this page.
Or, if you wish to pay by check, please send your check, payable to MOAA Scholarship Fund, to Lt Col James Thomasson, USAF (Ret) 1430 Miller Farms Road, Germantown, TN 38138-2906.
2. ROTC and JROTC Units
The MOAA Memphis Chapter supports ROTC and JROTC schools/units by working with the detachment senior instructor to select a deserving cadet for outstanding accomplishments. Our chapter is aligned with over 40 units in Tennessee and Mississippi. We encourge funding from our members to help cover the cost of the medals and certificates which are presented every Spring.
You can make a tax deductible donation by using the online function at the bottom of this page.
Or, if you wish to pay by check, please send your check, payable to Memphis MOAA Chapter, to Lt Col James Thomasson, USAF (Ret) 1430 Miller Farms Road, Germantown, TN 38138-2906. Please put ROTC/JROTC Support on the memo line.
Additionally, profits from the purchase of chapter challenge coins will help fund this program.
3. Alpha Omega Veterans Services
Alpha Omega Veterans Services is a 50l(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization that provides displaced and homeless veterans with the social services needed to totally reintegrate them back into society. Such services are food, shelter, clothing, referrals for training in vocational, educational and job placement goals, community service referrals, individual and group counseling and other such services and facilities designed to meet their physical, social and psychological needs and to promote their health, security, happiness and usefulness in society.
For more information, please visit Alpha Omega Veterans Services
4. Toys for Tots
This US Marines program is supported every year by this chapter. We collect funds and toys to be forwarded to a local Marine contact. Toys are collected at the November Membership meeting.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please send your check, payable to Memphis MOAA Chapter, to Lt Col James Thomasson, USAF (Ret) 1430 Miller Farms Road, Germantown, TN 38138-2906. Please put Toys for Tots on the memo line.
Or you can make an online donation at the bottom of this page.
5. VA Christmas Programs
The Memphis MOAA Chapter supports a number of programs at the VA. The VA Food Basket will provide fresh food and staple tiems to Veterans in great need. The Parade of Rooms provides a goody basket for those Veterans who will be in the hospital over Christmas.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please send your check, payable to Memphis MOAA Chapter, to Lt Col James Thomasson, USAF (Ret) 1430 Miller Farms Road, Germantown, TN 38138-2906. Please put VA Christmas Programs on the memo line.
Or you can make an online donation at the bottom of this page. The deadline for this donation is November 23.
6. Memphis VA Fisher House
The Memphis VA Fisher House provides a home away from home for families of veterans receiving extended inpatient servicces at the Memphis VA Medical Center.
Donation can be made by check or online. Please visit Tennessee Fisher House Foundation
To make a donation, please start by providing your email.
Memphis Chapter MOAA